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Cat Accomodations

Cats can have a great time too. In a room designed just for them, cats enjoy oversized condos that face a large aquarium for their viewing enjoyment. Cats are offered frequent exercise in a secure outdoor enclosure where they can roll in the grass, hide under a bush, or climb a small tree. Because they are nocturnal by nature they receive additional exercise time at night.

All our condos include the following luxury amenities:

Double story condo 3x3x3 on each floor all their own space. On the upper level they can eat and rest while still enjoying the aquarium view while the lower level offers more privacy.

Penthouse double the space of the double story condo for even more individual space.

You may bring your kitty's bedding and favorite toys to enjoy while they stay with us.

Available Condo Sizes

Double Story Condo


Click Here for Overnight Rates Book your Reservations today!